Saturday, January 27, 2007

Week 5: Things 10, 11, and 12

Thing 10: I know this is a little early, but I thought this was cute, so I just had to! This process was not that easy to complete by copying the URL and pasting it into the posting with the image button. It was more doable when I copied the image to the desktop as a .jpg and then imported it.

Thing 11: I checked out LibraryThing and found it to be a very cool site! You can create an account and post your favorite books. You can also get connected with other people who have similar taste in books and check out the books on their list. You can also search Amazon., the Library of Congress and 60 other libraries. Perfect for a librarian, clerk, or booklover! I also tried and found it to be very good in displaying performing arts events around the area. Now I know that Cats is coming to the Flint Center! :0)

Thing 12: Explored other Rollyo accounts and really liked the string theory, the LOTR, and the StarWars ones the most. I created a Rollyo account created a search roll on psychology (websites that I also stream into my Bloglines account): Psychology is the name of the Rollyo. Check it out! Next I need to create a link to my search roll. I like Rollyo! :0)

1 comment:

Virtual Services Team said...

You're doing great! Don't forget to include links to your LibraryThing library and your Rollyo search.